
Resources for Body, Mind, and Spirit

What you will get

Each of these linked books, YouTube videos, and Audio RecordingsĀ  will hopefully impact you as well as they did me on my path.


These are a large selection of books from Channeled readings to Shamanic studies from the 70’s.

Audio Recordings

I love all of these recordings and some are so good I lost my body completely and felt so connected I cried tears of joy.


Some of these are in other locations on my site but wanted them all in one place. Enjoy.

My Works (Soon")

These are downloadable files in PDF, and a collection of audio meditations and recorded channeling sessions.

Paul Selig - My Current Favorite Books

Changed my life – I find his guides information so clean I sense its power as I read the lines.

So I LOVE this book as it helped me to love myself as I was – not based on someone’s rules or approval.

Found this book one that I listened to and read as well – found parts of the audio book that deserved a contemplative read.

I find his guides information so clean I sense its power as I read the lines.

So I LOVE this book as it helped me to love myself as I was – not based on someone’s rules or approval.

Reading this book now – well listening all the time – but this is really a nice next step in process we are taking with his work.

VIDEOS THAT I LOVE - Videos That Make Me Go WHAT?


Viewing Sun with Filters

I love the organic nature of the movements of the sun. The interactions of the flow is amazing to watch. “It’s Alive” in my humble opinion and evolves constantly with new plasma frequencies detected just recently (6/2022). It is my opinion that Solar Flares – are energies from source being sent to us as needed for our highest good and growth.


Viewing Sound in Visual Model

Sound is always in motion – but love how some sounds seem to take on sacred shapes that manifest in our natural objects and forms.


A Song Connects Us All

I love the various ways they use sound to shift matter as part of the experience.

Sacred Acoustics - My Favorite Binaural Meditations